SPRING focuses on the development of people with disabilities in Pakistan and making them a group of society that has human rights, citizenship, potential, respect, health facilities, education facilities, employment opportunities, and accessibility like normal people. SPRING not only promotes leadership training but also volunteerism and awareness campaigns, along with employment exchange and ground-breaking living opportunities for people with disabilities. SPRING itself was initiated by people with disabilities

SPRING has been serving humanity since 2008. Being a hardworking and passionate organization, we are strappingly committed to mainstreaming disability in development by empowering individuals with disabilities. Chaired and founded provision for a person suffering from disability SPRING truly understands the sentiments of people with disabilities.

Founder & Chairman

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Raja Imran Hussain

I will strive to the maximum of my capacity to make the disabled community fully acquainted, with the training, education, and socialization needed to protect their rights, privileges, and facilities. and securities with confidence. May Almighty Allah give all of us enough courage and guidance and strength to follow Spring’s lifelong agenda to make this world a better place for people. with disabilities, Ameen.

Our Mission

SPRING’s mission is to protect the rights of people with disabilities and facilitate their having a normal living, creating the largest country-wide and international network of people with disabilities.

SPRING itself was initiated by people with disabilities and has been serving humanity since 2008. Being a hardworking and passionate organization, we are strappingly committed to mainstreaming disability in development by empowering individuals with disabilities. Chaired and founded, provisioned by a person suffering from disability, SPRING truly understands the sentiments of people with disabilities.

Functionality of SPRING

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